Licensed to Haverford High School HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 5.0 2/26/2023 04:10 PM 2023 District I Girls Swimming Championships - 2/24/2023 to 2/25/2023 Results Event 9 Girls 1 mtr Diving AA Girls =============================================================================== District Rec: # 493.80 2002 Jessica Ranieri Lo Moreland, Lower Moreland Name Year School Seed Finals Points =============================================================================== 1 Meghan Scott 12 Nazareth NP 435.25 20 2 Mickie Soroka 11 Upper Moreland 377.40 393.35 17 3 Elizabeth Seely 12 Mount St Joseph NP 386.85 16 4 Mary Cate Doughty 12 Villa Maria NP 349.95 15 5 Natalie Rittler 10 Springfield Mont 354.10 344.10 14 6 Lucy Williamson 9 Springfield Mont 341.05 331.20 13 7 Ava Conrad 11 Villa Joseph 193.00 323.55 12 8 Aubrey Kauffman 9 Interboro NP 319.95 11 9 Aubrey Hendrzak 9 Springfield Mont 327.25 318.65 9 10 Kaleigh Wagner 9 Villa Maria NP 286.20 7 11 Emma Wagner 11 Villa Maria NP 281.40 6 12 Alaina Cummings 12 Sun Valley NP 269.90 5